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(Keyword is brackets)
bullet    Rise , claim success, O Arjuna.
    (11:33 – YASHAS)
bullet    There will surely be success, where spiritual excellence (YOGESHWARA
    KRISHNA) and temporal eminence (PARTHA DHANURDHARA) come together.
    (18:72 – VIJAYA)
bullet    We succeed in life, when we find our niche (SVA – KARMA) and do our duty diligently.
    (18:45 – SIDDHI)
bullet    Success is sure when we learn to cooperate (YAJNA).
    (3:11 – SHREYAS)
bullet    He, who is able to bear the brunt of desire and anger, is truly successful.
    (5:23 – SUKHEE)
bullet    True success is when you learn to look at both victory and defeat equally.
    (2:38 – NAIVAM PAAPAM)
bullet    Equanimity indeed is true success.
    (2:48 – YOGA)
bullet    She, who is free from the clutches of personal likes and dislikes, is truly successful.
    (2:64 – PRASADA)
bullet    He, whose sense organs are under his control, is successful in life.
    (2:68 – PRAJNA)
bullet    The victory of all those who win belongs to God.
    (10:36 – JAYA)
bullet    The glory that we see in anybody is a reflection of God’s splendor.
    (10:41 – VIBHOOTI)
bullet    Ultimately, they are truly successful, who remember the Lord at the time of their death.
    (8:13 – PARAMA GATI)

Swami Chidananda


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Last modified: 07/29/02