
 Live in Joy

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  1. The earth is nice despite all the problems we face here. Human life is full of great opportunities, endless possibilities and unpredictable turns of events.


  2. It is happy school days all the time, where we learn and grow continuously. With the development of right outlooks, even the hard times give us moments of feeling privileged and blessed.


  3. The joy of living is immense when we learn and enjoy the "journey" and not bother too much about the "destination".


  4. Plan we must – a destination, a goal. But then we ought to enjoy the ride – smooth or bumpy. This is what Shri Krishna calls Karma Yoga, as brought out in the famous line, "karmani eva adhikaras-te".


  5. He means to say, "Focus on giving your best. I will handle the final results." Pujya Swami Chinmayanandaji said, "Do the best, leave the rest."


  6. Our mind surely is a double-edged sword. It can make or mar our life. It can make a mountain of a molehill or the other way round also. Much joy is ours in life, when we befriend our own mind and make the most of life’s situations.


  7. Educating our mind for better living is the foundation of all spirituality. In other words, we must become better human beings first. Thereafter, we can move towards discovering divine aspects within ourselves.


  8.  Here are three tips for joyous living. Give your best, stay open and live in the Now.


  9. Learn to give your best by identifying your area of maximum contribution and by utilizing your resources to the best of your ability. It is in giving that we receive.


  10. Avoid rigid or extreme judgments. See the good in all and  relate with people without any ill will. If you feel someone is dangerous or evil, keep a distance and divert your mind. Leave it to God to bring evildoers to book.


  11. Train your mind to be in the present. Let it not indulge in the  past or in the future, unless truly called for. Let the mind be here and now.


Swami Chidananda


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Last modified: 07/29/02